Caution- This comic contains boobies, has an offensive sense of humour and is toxically masculine!!
This is a story from way back around the turn of the millennium. Initially it was to be a full colour painted strip of which I completed the first four pages in acrylics and Indian ink. If I recall the I was going to submit it to Heavy Metal and had planned an epic plot to save Trixie's home planet. It was also an excuse to draw lots of sexy sci-fi women and was quite spontaneously scripted and fun to do. The four finished pages appeared in a later 2001 issue of Mondo as a first episode. I quite liked how the black and white photocopied pages showed the tones which later gave me the idea to do this 2007 version. At the time I wanted to get this story finished and was trying to get to grips with digital art so I used this to play around in Photoshop, though the line art was all done traditionally.
There you go. What did you think? Would you like to see more of the Space Babe?
Let me know in the comments below...
Please note- her organs are inside her!
CGUK round up-
Go sub to The Rabbi From Another Planet on YouTube-
You can check out his comics here-
Next Time- Space Babe Part Two
Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow
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