Friday, 30 October 2020

The Rain In My Pictures Stays Mainly In A Separate Layer


Hmm, that title sounded funnier in my head... oh well...

If you look at a lot of my stuff you will probably notice that there are quite a few ideas and themes that emerge again and again. On the writing side I expect it's an unconscious thing that you're not aware of until you finish whatever you're writing sit back and look at it with a fresh eye. With the art my eyes are usually wide open, I wanna draw a flying car chase around an impossible city because it's exciting and fun. 
One of my visual obsessions that I go back to again and again is rain. Must be something to do with coming from the UK where it rains all the time, especially when you don't want it to. It's more than that though, it's about setting the right atmosphere, it's reflections in the puddles that might also reflect a character's mood, it's about the challenge of depicting the cold and wet on a warm dry piece of paper or computer screen.

Here's some rain illustrations for you using some different techniques. This first one dates back to the mid 90s and was done with Indian ink on paper... The blur at the top of the picture was a happy accident caused by the scanner because the paper was slightly longer than A4 and didn't quite fit. I think it adds to the rain affect.

The next one is from around the same time. The line work was done with a drawing pen then colour added with marker pens. This didn't sit well with the ink from the drawing pen which caused the blurring around some of the inks and again added to the affect. I stole the colour pallet from a Jamie Hewlett Tank Girl in the rain poster in Deadline.

Not long after that one I discovered that if you use process white on a photocopy something in the carbon doesn't mix with it. Like oil in water, it bubbles and creates a nice rain affect. This is an early example. The cityscape was drawn in Indian ink with grey washes on A3, then photocopied and process white applied with a brush and ruler to the photocopy. I was so pleased with the affect I did it again and again and I'm still not sure if I got it out of my system.

Here's another from the time using the same technique showing a canal in Amsterdam... Yeah, it was a student trip!

This next one was a different kettle of fish altogether and took ages to do. Sadly lost to the mists of time it was a model I made in the summer of 1996. The figure was made in soft modelling clay then painted with acrylics. The wall he's sitting on and the floor was made with card and painted and the grassy bit was in painted clay. The fence was the painted up corrugated part from a cardboard box and the lightning sky was just a painted background. The whole lot was then coated in PVA glue which, when dry, gave it the shiny wet look. The rain itself was the hardest part to do. First I added a sort of roof to the display with a piece of card, then individually glued strings of white cotton from the 'roof' to the ground. It took ages and was very fiddly and annoying, but worth it as I was quite happy with the finished work. I've often thought it would be great fun to do a whole comic as a photo-strip with these sorts of models. What do you think? Would you like to read a whole story with this sort of technique, or should I just stick to drawing?

These next few are more recent and all digital art using Photoshop. They are all quick, simple inked line drawings that were scanned and worked up to what you see here. To begin with I made the grainy texture using the grainy tone on an old photocopy and pasted it onto the picture which I then worked into, taking a lot of the grain away. Then added another layer of the same texture and followed the same process, then repeated it several more times. what your doing here is building up the tone and creating depth as well as texture. Then using a few scans of the old rain pictures I created a two new rain textures, one white, one black. You can guess the next bit... I pasted and worked into a lot of rain layers to produce the finished piece.

This first one is from a photo of the bottom of the High Street in the small town I grew up in and the white building is one of it's five pubs, all of which I became quite familiar with back in my misspent youth during the late 80s early 90s. This one, called the Garibaldi, was established around 1760, and is quite small with two small bars and low ceilings and always a nice quietly friendly atmosphere. Last time I was there was in 2015 and it hadn't changed much.

CGUK round up-

Four teenage Knights Templar at the fag-end of the 20th Century, bringing in salvation the hard way.

The first two issues of Mary Boys are still In Demand on Indiegogo-

And you can sign up to the mailing list for the next Mary Boys comic here-

Next Time- Work, Work, Work!!

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.



Friday, 23 October 2020

Building Blocks

Here's some old architectural studies from the late 90s, mostly around the Southbank Centre in London. I used inks and washes in an attempt to create a graphic mood and atmosphere and I'm sure a lot of this stuff fed into the concrete towers of Fred Fortune's world. Most were sketched at the locations then redrawn later.


CGUK corner-

Fully funded in a couple of hours... now standing at just shy of £24,000 (by the time this post goes up it might be past that!) If you like the sound of a graphic novel biography of Charlie Chaplin hop on over there and back it, please let Charlie's know I sent you. Told you it was gonna be big.

Next Time- The Rain In My Pictures Stays Mainly In A Separate Layer

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.




Friday, 16 October 2020

The Old And The New


 Here's an old Fred strip from 1991, it's the first appearance of Fred's enemy and obvious Judge Dredd wanna be, the insane cop Officer McDab. Although a lot of these early one pagers are pretty terrible I do have a soft spot for them. They all have a manic spontaneity about them which serves the cheesy humour quite well. This page has been fully restored and re-lettered digitally from an old A4 photocopy.

This next one is from late 1999 and was the cover of Mondo #44. Much like the Space Babe strip it was fully painted in acrylics with Indian ink line work on top. It was for the story Waste Not Want Not in  which Fred chases a falling beer can from the top to the bottom of the city which gets darker and more squalid the lower it goes. I was a few months out of art college
by then and the city now had it's own more distinct and industrial design.

Here's some newer stuff... No spoilers, a completely random pencilled page from the new story City of Tomorrow. When this is finished it will have grey tone and rain fx on all the external shots. The cityscapes are great fun to do but take ages because they are very dense and background heavy, this is to give the reader a sense of claustrophobia in the harsh decaying city. These pages are all done to fit US magazine sized pages to give it a bulkier feel.

This is The Panther.. one of the story's new characters... Who is she? What lies behind her mask?  Why does she want to get into Fetty's trousers? Find out... or not, in Fred Fortune- City of Tomorrow...

Here's a finished panel from page two.

CGUK corner-

Launching today at 6PM it's Charlie's London, an official graphic novel about the life of Charlie Chaplin. This one's gonna be big guys, back it when it goes live...

Next Time- Something else

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.



Friday, 9 October 2020

Woolley Jumper #4

It's time to get out that knitting, poor a glass of sherry, sit back and enjoy our fourth outing of John Woolley's superhero parody with 'Pea-Brained Nuts' Part One, originally published in #14 of Mondo from September of 1993. It was a 40 page issue that also featured British Bulldog by Lee Davis and Paul Knight, Darkness by Mark Yarwood, Fred Fortune by myself, six pages (!!) of the legendary Mailbag From Hell!, a Superman article by Lee, a one off strip, Decisions, Decisions by Tom Murphy and myself, Part Two of Engine Man by Matt Banwell and Chris Doughty, another article by Lee- this time about newspaper strip Axa that ran in The Sun from 1978-1985, and the Private Hell of Negative Man also by Matt Banwell and Chris Doughty. It was all wrapped up with a fantastic cover by Tom Carney who could out-Bisley Simon Bisley! and a cut out and keep Danny Baker mask on the back! You can see the cover on Mondo's new Twitter here-

Mondo still has it's Facebook page where you will find 300+ of the Daily Doodles we used to do, lots of strips and a few articles.

... it's new Twitter page here-

... and now has new Facebook page, MondoToons to showcase Mondo's chief cheese, Lee Davis' own rampant lockdown cartooning-

Please check them out, thanks.

I couldn't resist it-

Next Time- More...

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.



Friday, 2 October 2020

Space Babe Part Two- Painty Boobs!

Caution- This comic contains boobies, has an offensive sense of humour and is toxically masculine!!

'This better not be prawn!!'

Here's the original first four painted pages of last week's Space Babe strip. They are scanned as is and unaltered, except as I have an A4 scanner, each page was scanned in two halves and pasted together with a few tidy ups to eliminate blurs and line up the two halves. They were originally painted in acrylics on A3 Bristol board then finished with Indian ink line work on top with a bit of coloured pencil here and there. They were tucked away in an old portfolio case and this is the first time I've seen them in about ten years. I think they still look good, especially the all the blue tones in the space backgrounds. I think if I ever went back to the character I'd like to use the same technique.

The next piece was done as a cover image for the 2007 black and white version. It was drawn traditionally in Indian ink and coloured digitally. Unfortunately it was one of the artworks that fell victim to the hard drive disaster a couple of years ago and was lost along with loads of other stuff. This is a scan of a print of it that I found in the same portfolio as the original painted pages, hence the grainy texture. The colours of the original version are more natural than this one. It was used on one of the old Daily Doodles I used to do on the Mondo Facebook page, Doodle #245, I put the logo across her boobs so as not to attract unwanted cancellation, but you can still find it in the photo bit here- 

Fed up of Hollywood celebrities telling you what to think and how to live your lives when it's none of their business and they do the opposite? Sick and tired of being preached to by stupid people who they are better than you and that you owe them a living just because they are famous? If you're mad as hell and you're not gonna take it any more, cut the rich and famous down to size with these fetching T-shirts and other merch from the Funky Punk Teespring and Redbubble stores, links below.

Next Time- Woolley Jumper #4

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.

