Friday, 27 August 2021

We're Back!

 Apologies for the lack of posts for the last few months. A change in my job from working early mornings (5AM start) to now working through the night (10PM start) threw a small spanner in the works for a bit, but I've adjusted and adapted to it now. I worked nights for about nine years at the same company before moving to early mornings, now back on nights again. Sometimes everything just goes round and round in circles.

Anyway, 'City of Tomorrow' is coming together well, I'm nearly done on page six, and I'll be back on the weekly schedule here...

Thank you for your patience and please come back next week for some new Funky Punk fun.

Hail comicsgate!

Now funding on Indiegogo
The Adventures of Tail-less in Outer Space!
The Complete Tail-less Collection! Containing everything Tail-less in one Collected Edition!

Adventure lies in your hands!

Evil lurks in the darkest corners of outer space! Galactic police stand no chance against the super villain threat! The fate of the galaxy lies in the balance!

Have no fear adventurer... Introducing the 6 foot tall, spandex clad, intergalactic vigilante known as Tail-less!

Join Tail-less, his side kick Jet, and his fiery love interest Adelaide as they answer the call to defend the galaxy

Does Tail-less have what it takes to save the day? Find out in the Adventures of Tail-less in Outer Space!

Please tell them we sent you.

NEXT TIME- Something I've yet to come up with

Funky Punk Merch-



Previous Fred Fortune comics available here-

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.

