It's Woolley Jumper time again, this week part one of 'The Citadel of Silence' bursts onto your screens with lots of dynamic triangle panels and crazy action. It originally appeared in #18 of Mondo, the first issue of 1994.Sporting an amazing biker/metal cover from Tom Carney, also below, the issue featured 'The Hitman' by Lee Davis and Mike Kinsella- a strip I've earmarked for restoring and colouring to be republished at some point. My own Fred Fortune in a story entitled 'The Dull Day' where Fred is so bored he walks out of his own strip in disgust(!). Part 8 of 'Copter Cops' by Matt Banwell and Noel White, a strip that started in one of the missing issues. If anyone out their has any stray copies of Mondo #s 1-5 (1992), 8, 9 & 10 (1993), 33 (April 1995), and 37 (August 1995) please drop us a line so we can return them to the Mondo archive. We'll get them scanned and straight back to you ASAP with a gift of some sort. Also in #18 was Negative Man scripted again by Matt Banwell with art by Chris Doughty. A prose article by Mark Yarwood about the Noir genre called 'Hard Boiled'. Mark is now a crime author with a huge stack of books to his name... check them out on Amazon if you like. You can also find Mark on Twitter @MarkYarwood72. Next Lee Davis and Paco Garcia's epic superhero sequel 'Hyperion II' continued as did 'Man XL' also written by Lee Davis with art by Steve Jones. The issue was capped with a few pin-up pieces including a very Schwarzenegger like rendition of the 'British Bulldog' character by Cavan Ark.
NEXT TIME- Building Blocks 4
Previous Fred Fortune comics available here-
Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow
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