Coming Soon...
Check back here to see what's coming soon from Funky Punk Comics...
Part One
Shitty City is flooded after months of non stop rain and it's about to be invaded by mad future pirates! Only Fred can save us now!!
In the style of classic 2000AD mixed with Deadline and The Beano, it'll be a 40-50 page black and white comic with lots of action, beer, flying car chases and jokes, wrapped up behind colour covers.
It's mostly scripted with 20 pages pencilled, 6 of which are now inked and ready for lettering.
If you like the look of it please check back for news and updates etc.
Here's a couple of random spoiler free pencilled pages to give you a teaser...
I'll also be posting a ton of the old Fred comics from way back when, all tidied up and digitally restored...
Thanks for reading this far.
Hail CG!!