Monday 13 July 2020

The Listening Post #1

Like most of us creative types I like to have some background noise while I'm working. Depending on what I feel like that day sometimes I listen to YouTube live streams or audio dramas like Big Finish's Doctor Who, but mostly it's music, so I thought a series of posts about what bands and musicians I like might be fun. From prog to punk to pop my tastes vary a lot and chop and change all the time so expect a lot of contradiction.

Also, a couple of Christmas's back my wife gave me a turntable so all the old vinyl records I had back in the day came down from the loft. Some I hadn't played since the 80s, some were badly scratched and jumped quite a lot and others were damaged down the spine of the cover where our first pet cat had used the records on a bookcase at the time as a scratch post (!). Since then I've replaced quite a few and bought some new stuff on the modern heavyweight 180g vinyl. To be honest, take note mainstream comics industry, I probably spend more of what little disposable income I have on vinyl than I do on comics these days. 

Each post will focus on one artist/band and today it's modern prog rock genius Steven Wilson. I'd never heard of this guy until I saw a YouTube music critic talking about his 2012 album 'The Raven That Refused to Sing'. The review didn't play any of the songs but it sounded good do I and blindly took a punt and bought the album. I'm glad I did as it's a fantastic album. Check these out-

I guess some of you will be wondering why someone who calls his publishing venture Funky Punk comics likes prog rock. I like how it can move from hard rock to classical to jazz to folk to industrial to electro to blues and back again all in one song to evoke a mood and tell some sort of story. That's it really... stories.

The other favourite album is 2015's Hand Cannot Erase. 

I love the artwork for these covers by the way... That paint splatter for her hair on Hand Cannot Erase is damn clever and the moon drawing on Raven puts me in mind of  George Melies' 1902 Rocket To The Moon.

Steven Wilson's new album, The Future Bites, will be released in Jan 2021. That's some biting satire right there.

As you'll see in future posts I do like punk too.

Here's a new panel from Fred Fortune- City of Tomorrow. It's from page four that I finished this week. All the tone, textures and rain fx take ages to do but are well worth it because it's exactly the affect I had in mind when I started this story. Spin on it lazy boring Marvel and DC- this is what comics can be!

Check out Only Death Can Save Us by Russ Leach and Tim Quinn. It'll be funding on Indiegogo soon, but here's it's site-

There you'll find character bios, creator bios and  a downloadable preview of the book.

You can sign up for the Indiegogo mailing list here-

Next Time- Wheels Of Fortune

Stay safe everyone.

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like what you've seen of Funky Punk so far please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff real soon.



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