Friday 7 August 2020

Quink Ink Illos

This stuff might be a bit 'studenty' but while studying Illustration in the north east of England one of the lads I was studying with introduced me to painting with Quink Ink. For those who don't know Quink Ink is a brand of ink designed for use in fountain pens. I'd never considered using it for making art and had always used drawing and marker pens or dip pen and brush with indian ink. The thing with Quink Ink is once you add water to create a wash it breaks down into all it's component parts and you get a lovely blue grey oil on water affect that has accents of orangey brown and that's just with the black Quink Ink, I've no idea what happens with a red or a blue ink... So I did quite a few big A2 sized figure studies with it and it was great fun. Here's a few of them-

At the time I only did figure studies, but I wonder how it would look doing a woodland landscape, or a crowded city street? Or would you like to see an entire comic done with this art technique? I think it would be fun to do... now can I get Quink Ink on Amazon?

Don't forget you can buy lots of Funky Punk Comics stuff at our Teespring and Redbubble stores, links below.

Next Time- Woolley Jumper #2

Stay safe everyone.

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

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